Saturday, April 2, 2011


See that hole underneath that tree? It's not just a old fox den, but the nursery. This is where kits under six moons and their mothers, or queens, sleep. Go ahead, peek inside. Kits love visitors.


  1. skybreeze paded into the den and lay down in her nest and watched as her kits played.sweetkit looks alot like her mother.she thought.a wave of grief crashed onto her.melody had been her best friend.she came back to present as the kits began to fight over witch game they were going to play."enought!no fighting you two."she mewed.both kit looked up and noded.they muttere a bit but soon they were both playing a new game.

  2. Dawnpaw put her snount in hearing the noise when she saw the kits playing. "Hey I can I join in" she mewed playfuly "came on give Skybreeze some peace" she called as she poped out.

  3. Darkpaw padded into the nursery, a thrush clamped in his jaws. He set it down. "It's my first catch!" he exclaimed happily to Skybreeze.

  4. Applefall smiled as she walked in after her apprentice. "You can go play with the other apprentices if you'd like." She meowed.

  5. Darkpaw nodded and dashed out to the camp outside.

  6. skybreeze smiled at dakpaw,"that's great!"she purred as she watched him leave.she ate the thrush,and licked her lips.

    sweetkit and cloudkit raced,out with dawnpaw.soon after skybreeze herd a call for a clan meeting and paded out.

  7. Sleetkit ran to catch Bramblekit, but flipped over a root. 'I'll never be a warrior...' He thought.

    Bramblekit looked back at her brother. "You OK?" she asked.

    "Fine!" Sleetkit retorted angrily.

  8. Dawnpaw went to pick him up. " When I was a kit I fell down 9 times before dawn. Thats why people call me Dawnpaw I woke everyone up at dawn with my paws". She told him.

  9. "Yes, ssshhh dont tell anybody I think they forgot about it though.

  10. Chuckling Dawnpaw started to tell Sleetkit a story about her being trying to sneak out of the nursery "and it would have worked only if at the easiest part where you just walk out I triped over nothing of course mother woke and put me back" she ended.
