Saturday, April 23, 2011


I'm just going to post who made this possible.

Amber- Amber, your a terrific friend. We met on SlateClan, and became friends instantly. We had weird chats, but it was always fun to roleplay with you. We had a fivesum, me, you, Aldo, Holly and Chile, but I considered you a close and great blogger friend. Thanks for the great laughs.

Aldo- Aldo... were do I start? We met on BrookClan, and had a great time. I only knew that was you when you told me on SlateClan. I considered you a great person, and, I hope you have a great life :).

Holly- Holly, your a great writer. Even though you've had your many clans, we still had fun roleplaying. Like on SpiritClan, and on BrookClan. Even though we've had our ups and downs, I still considered you a great friend.

Piney- Piney, always wanting to go on PoplarClan, right? I admired your writing skill and potential, and always loved your clan. I consider you a terrific friend, and you always included everyone :).

Chile- Chile, we've had our share of laughs! Even though you didn't come often on ShadeClan, on Cboxes we've had a great time.

Sorry if I missed you, but these are my great blogger buddies, and I'll never forget them.




  1. I'll never forget you Fernsplash!!!!!!

    Here, I will do one to you of my own:

    Fernsplash- Awesome friend. Yes, we met on SlateClan, and we did instantly become buds! I remember BrookClan, I admired your writing skills for posts, and here. You were fun to roleplay with and talk too!!! I hope you sometime return to blogger!!! :)


  2. I will never forget you Fernsplash! My mind is clouded and I can't write properly today but you were such a good friend! I consider you one of my best blogger friends and even though you are leaving you still will be! I will truly miss you and I do hope you return!
